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L'inspiration quotidienne d'InnerSelf

Le 27 juin 2024

L'objectif pour aujourd'hui est:

My actions and choices affect my life,
as well as influence society and the environment

Today's inspiration was written by Pierce Salguero:

Mindfulness is seemingly everywhere. A Google search I conducted in January 2022 for the term “mindfulness” resulted in almost 3 billion hits. The practice is now routinely offered in workplaces, schools, psychologists’ offices and hospitals all across the country.

La majeure partie de l'enthousiasme du public pour la pleine conscience provient de la réputation qu'elle a de réduire le stress. Mais les universitaires et les chercheurs qui travaillent sur la pleine conscience, et la tradition bouddhiste elle-même, brossent un tableau plus complexe que ne le font les médias populaires.

Comme je le dis dans mon livre récent, BuddhishBuddhist ethics asks us to look up from our meditation cushions and to look out beyond our individual selves. It asks us to appreciate how everything is interconnected and how our actions and choices influence our lives, our society and the environment. The emphasis, even while healing ourselves, is always on becoming agents of compassion, healing and well-being for the whole.

L'inspiration d'aujourd'hui a été adaptée de l'article d' :
     Il y a beaucoup plus dans la pleine conscience que la plupart ne le pensent
     Written by Pierce Salguero, Penn State.
Lisez l'article complet ici.

Voici Marie T. Russell, co-éditrice d', wishing you a day of considering the influence of your choices and actions (today and every day)

Commentaire de Marie :
While we can only change ourselves, we do affect others around us by our choices and actions. Sometimes it is a direct influence, at other times it is by acting as a role-model (either a positive or negative one). Yet all our actions radiate energy out into the world. Thus while we are directly responsible for ourselves, we must be conscious of the effect we have on others - and the planet - as well.  

Notre focus pour aujourd'hui : My actions and choices affect my life, as well as influence society and the environment.

Inscrivez-vous ici à jrejoignez-moi pour le prochain épisode de "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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Buddhish: A Guide to the 20 Most Important Buddhist Ideas for the Curious and Skeptical
by C. Pierce Salguero.

An engaging, accessible introduction to Buddhism for those who are looking to explore a new spiritual tradition or understand the roots of their mindfulness practice. Buddhist scholar Dr. Pierce Salguero analyzes the ideas and philosophy of the complex tradition through the eyes of both a critic and an admirer. He shares anecdotes from his time at a Thai monastery, stories from the years he spent living throughout Asia, and other personal experiences that have shaped his study of Buddhism. Through this guide, readers will have the opportunity to develop an approach to practice that is not quite Buddhist but Buddhish.

Pour plus d'informations et / ou pour commander ce livre, cliquez ici.  Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.

A propos de l'auteur

Pierce Salguéro, professeur agrégé d'histoire asiatique et d'études religieuses, Penn State